Dr. Kraken
Item: NZXT Kraken Z63 280mm ARGB LCD Display AIO + 4 NZXT AER 2 RGB Fans
Age: 1 Year
Price:R2500 R2300
Payment Method Accepted: EFT / Cash
Warranty: Yes until November 2027
Warranty Holder: Wootware
Packaging: Original
Condition: Mint
Location: Nelspruit
Reason: Overkill for current workflow, going Air Cooling. Gauging interest hence the Feeler
Shipping: Cost & Risk on buyer
Collection: Sure
Link: This, but Black
Age: 1 Year
Payment Method Accepted: EFT / Cash
Warranty: Yes until November 2027
Warranty Holder: Wootware
Packaging: Original
Condition: Mint
Location: Nelspruit
Reason: Overkill for current workflow, going Air Cooling. Gauging interest hence the Feeler
Shipping: Cost & Risk on buyer
Collection: Sure
Link: This, but Black
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