Lonely panda 96
Item:Garmin fenix 6 47mm
Contract/Cash: Cash
Age: ~2 years
Price: 4000
Payment Method Accepted:instant eft
Warranty: not sure
Warranty Holder: -
Packaging: yes full with original strap and additional nylon sports band.
Condition: Excellent
Location: Pretoria East
Reason: not using it.
Shipping:sure your cost and risk!
Collection: sure
Contract/Cash: Cash
Age: ~2 years
Price: 4000
Payment Method Accepted:instant eft
Warranty: not sure
Warranty Holder: -
Packaging: yes full with original strap and additional nylon sports band.
Condition: Excellent
Location: Pretoria East
Reason: not using it.
Shipping:sure your cost and risk!
Collection: sure
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- A deal is concluded for purposes of feedback when parties agree to a deal