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Market related salary for Full Stack Dev 7-8 years

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Junior Member
Jun 30, 2016
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Hi Carbs,

I am doing my own research on what my market related salary and thought to ask on Carb.

Some background I am a Full stack dev with 7-8 years experience. Main skills for day to day is C#, SQL, jQuery, HTML, CSS. There are others skills but more a now and then.

The average I have seen is 55k to 60k per month

If you haven't already, I'd register and browse a few. Helps to get a feel as well.
Hi Carbs,

I am doing my own research on what my market related salary and thought to ask on Carb.

Some background I am a Full stack dev with 7-8 years experience. Main skills for day to day is C#, SQL, jQuery, HTML, CSS. There are others skills but more a now and then.

The average I have seen is 55k to 60k per month
I mean, a lot of things will affect your salary. If you grafted your ass off and take massive amounts of initiative or if a ton of risk falls on your decisions then your salary will be more. However I have seen guys with a lot of experience on paper but little drive to do much (think about doing less that one ticket a day even if its really basic updates/adjustments), so experience itself is hard to judge value by. People also underestimate how valuable soft skills are, if you are likeable and make a good impression on people they will be psychologically inclined to see you as more valuable thus your salary prospects improve.

If this was me personally I would be sending out CV's daily and picking the best opportunities for interviews from my responses. Then I would do as many interviews as time allows and try my best to get more than one offer. If the offer is irresistible then take it, otherwise leverage it at your current job to get an increase as the offer is your market value. Then I would be applying for international work, the probability of landing something is small but if you are lucky your salary can double or triple.
Thanks everyone, this question was asked after I did some research already was just curious to ask real people and not just read job offers from recruiters and others reseach.

Appreciate everyone's answers and suggetions will definitly look into then aswell!
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From what I have seen, you need to be quite exceptional to break into the R80k+ band.
It's mostly the same in my field as well (DBA), overseas you can land a job that pays you R150-200k/month if you land one in the government sector of the US, but just about outside of that you are looking at 50-100k/month regardless.
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