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Dang Thats a good Salary - Numbers only


Carbonite's Own Irritating Santa
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Sep 21, 2014
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Just interested to gauge what the number is outside of my immediate circle of people.
We were discussing the topic of salaries in SA and looking at stats.
National nominal earnings = R27 450
National "real" earnings = R23 807
National earnings after tax = R16 582
**Median** monthly earnings = R5200

So what I was interested in was:
"How much does someone need to earn (before tax) for you to go .... huh... that's a nice salary"

But not to the extent you go "that guy is rich".
What's the number in your brain?

Discussions can be had here: https://carbonite.co.za/index.php?t...dang-thats-a-good-salary.543948/#post-3541623

Numbers so far:
50K Gross
69k Gross
51K Gross
40K Gross
155k Gross
another 69K Gross.
50k Gross.
100k Gross.
another 69k gross.
50k Gross
50k Gross
100k gross.
150k gross.
30k gross.
152k Gross
50k Gross
140k Gross
It's called gross salary because it's gross how much money you're left with after tax.
at least they use your tax $ to ensure our roads have no holes, have proper water management (roads and pipes), electricity, roads are painted, proper management of public health care and ensuring that most public infrastructure has up keep... why you kom plane?
at least they use your tax $ to ensure our roads have no holes, have proper water management (roads and pipes), electricity, roads are painted, proper management of public health care and ensuring that most public infrastructure has up keep... why you kom plane?
at least they use your tax $ to ensure our roads have no holes, have proper water management (roads and pipes), electricity, roads are painted, proper management of public health care and ensuring that most public infrastructure has up keep... why you kom plane?
Where at the DA do you work?
100K Gross
50k Gross
190K Gross

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