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Xdefiant Releases Tomorrow :)


Junior Member
Jul 28, 2022
Reaction score
East London South Africa
Rating - 100%
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Came across the news that Xdefiant releases tomorrow at 7pm! Free to play arena shooter with no SBMM, fully cross platform! Oh and we have Servers in JHB!
Seems to have everything I have been looking for to play with some mates after work casually!

I'm feeling hopeful that the game will be good, but Ubisoft is in charge so there's that...

How you guys feeling about it?
Played most of the beta sessions

Changes you need to make initially
You need to change your mouse sense to make movement feel better (See what feels best to you though it works on a slider of 0 to 100)
Check your controls and keys
This feels more like the movements in MW3 (Original) if you have any expectations consider this as the mechanics, so it's good just not super fluid as MW2 (Original) had way better movement feel, irony is the main Xdefiant guy was from that era of Call of Duty

Things I like so far
There were local servers
Performance felt pretty good on most of my systems tested
It's free to play just connect to Ubisoft and pre download the 30 something gb game (There are already two free things to collect)
Items can be unlocked via purchase or actually doing challenges in game getting U coins (I received 10 when reaching level 14 as an example)
No mantling of all items on maps like the newer shooters
There is sliding but you cannot just slide forever all over like a spazz
Each faction has their special ability but the timing feels nearly right for how long they last
There is no pay to win skins etc are cosmetic only, if there is a new gun then all can unlock it either by paying or working your way up to it
You can emote other players if a kill was funny etc
No sbmm and when they do release ranked mode it'll be based on your rank not some AI trying to judge how good you are at the game so boosting as well as reverse boosting does not exist in Xdefiant
Some players are way better then you think you are and others feel like a clowncar has dropped them off for preschool
Lobbies can be set to controller only or mouse only, this setting is chosen via input device and not platform
There seems to be aim assist for controllers however it feels a bit more fairly given then other shooters currently
No forced politics via flags
Weekly and daily events to earn bonuses
Graphics have that smoothed look similar to how The Finals feels
Hotshot is the best mode for me so far until they add free for all or team deathmatch
Devs are open and honest, they accept all forms of feedback

Things I do not like so far
Maps feel clunky and do not flow, they are either too large or too small at times

Certain factions do have better abilities then others
Movements still feel a bit off but they are working on it constantly

Not all modes are available yet as they are still making more
There was no open lobby chat in beta plays only team chat probably to keep it less toxic
World destruction is lackluster
It feels like it's missing something to add in that fun factor but I'll give them time, maybe it's just missing friends
I miss proximity chat it makes many things funny
Voice lines get annoying after the first match you play because they're super repetitive
Youtube seems to have something against Xdefiant as my views on these smaller channel vids keep disappearing each day the vids are up, so some funny business is happening there perhaps in favour of Call of Duty

Here is some rough gameplay from one of my lesser channels forgive how poor the quality is youtube compressed it with the ugly codec, make sure to watch them in 1080p HD at least even with the poor compression
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Voice lines get annoying after the first match you play because they're super repetitive
There is a setting to switch these off if I am not mistaken from a YT video I was watching yesterday!
I haven't found anything remotely enjoyable for the longest time, so excited to get the boys back online!
@AnabolicAndy it's not terrible and there were no cheats as of yet either. Everything is a work in progress and game rounds were fairly short as Hotshot has a points limit.

Once you're the hotshot everyone sees you on the map though lol

Not sure of the exact time of release today either but I'll be there, I'm trying to give the devs as much feedback as I can because there are a number of things I would have mentioned above about it negatively however the devs literally fixed some of those issues in the period of a few days just from feedback.

There's even a comment on X aka Twitter where a fine young gent credited devs with never leaving him like his dad did, this was a heartwarming comment
I'm ending my game searching for the night it's continuing with the same and their support is slow to respond currently many messages I assume.

A contact of mine is getting the BattlEye blocking file loading bink64w.dll which then causes a crash stating error 0xc000009a which is annoying as his system is not right in front of me to look at and devs are not responding to him either due to their workload
Servers seem to be up now, plenty locals.

Game definitely even more polished then previously.

For pc guys try set ADS to instant, FOV to your preferred one, if you're on low dpi like myself at 400 try 55 mouse sense in game.

Set ADS sense and the one just below to 1.25 these are all to try make it feel a bit more fluid.

Game is not bad at all they seem to have increased the ttk or time to kill a lot longer which is annoying but still fun so far
When servers eventually worked I had a blast, hopefully no more hiccups! Feel like the game needs a grinding aspect to it though - like lots of camos on guns would be cool, otherwise I think I'll get bored...
Yes crossplay is available and it has a matchmaking setting based on input you can have turned off, it allows you to only be with keebs/mice or controllers.

If it is off then you get all inputs in your lobby for more players
Anyone playing? A friend of mine is saying the games great , has local servers that are not doing too bad.
Anyone playing? A friend of mine is saying the games great , has local servers that are not doing too bad.
Still playing off and on - Level 60 something.
Needs a new season soon before people get too bored with the current maps and weapons
Anyone playing? A friend of mine is saying the games great , has local servers that are not doing too bad.
Its such a fun game, I haven't been into fps shooters for a long time but this game reignited the flame, the matchmaking is connection/input based and not skill based, some matches you will dominate and some you will be dominated, its very fast paced if your used to games like fortnite and apex, it is smooth with some minor glitches here and there that is patched regularly, once you start you will be put in a welcome lobby which seems to incorporate sbmm until level 25, after that its a free for all. I have been enjoying it thus far
Shot guys, if you see Crayon on top of the score board tonight just know it's me (;

Jokes aside , hope to see some of ya'll online!
So an update : The games really fun, I'd recommend checking it out. It's free so nothing to lose.

There's loads of South Africans playing and I never wait more than 30 seconds to find and start a match. [ There's a beginner playlist for noobs when you first start playing where you might stuggle to find some matches, but push through this then you'll get more matches easily ]
The netcode is better, it's not PERFECT but it's a lot better. The mechanics have also gotten improvements.

There are 3 new guns now, a new faction (Rainbow 6)

The most fun currently is making COD fanboys cry as I have played COD for a long enough time that I've felt the current things that made it become something I no longer wish to play.

Things I want them to still sort a bit in Xdefiant are the way certain guns handle especially the snipers which lack that satisfying kill feel and please note GSK faction is not a 1 shot headshot kill.... it's part of their gifts (Helmet) lol.

The community also seems be growing and I'm still sad that you cannot trash talk the other team but it's to keep toxicity to a minimum as even crouch spamming causes weapon sway to prevent spamming certain things soooooooooooooo "Victory Crouching Over Players" is difficult at times.
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